
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate impact research (PIK). My work focuses on global energy modelling and low-emissions scenarios design, a joint effort with the team of Gunnar Luderer in the “Transformation Pathway” research department. For more information, please visit my PIK webpage or contact me directly.

Before working in climate change research and mitigation, I defended my PhD in the computer science lab LIP6 of Sorbonne University in Paris in the Complex Networks team. It focussed on scalable graph algorithms applied on real-world datasets, specifically on finding node orderings that improve specific algorithms in practice. I also worked on citation networks and scientific trajectories as a visiting student in a data analysis lab. Before that, I graduated from ENS Lyon in computer sciences and complex systems where I did research on dynamic networks.

Beside my research activites, I participate to the citizen energy community Enercitif that deploys and exploits solar power plants on Parisian roofs.

Feel free to contact me by email!

Publications and talks

Research reports


Other interests